This section is devoted to those representatives who are registered with our Firm and have their own website which specializes in financial planning and other financial planning services.
They are listed below according to their business name and their principal business location. Click on the name and you will be given a brief description of their professional and academic qualifications. When reviewing the pop-up window, you will also be shown a link to their website in order for you to obtain additional information as to their financial planning practice.
Please bear in mind that we attempt to review their websites at least semi-annually and that items may appear that may not have been approved by our Compliance Department. To insure you are receiving reliable compliant information, we invite you to call our compliance department if you have any concerns as to the information you are reviewing. If you have any questions, we encourage you to contact our Compliance Department with your concerns.
The registered representatives listed below and their websites are provided as a convenience for the public and does not imply the broker dealer’s sponsorship or endorsement of any of these sites. When you access any of these sites, you are leaving our broker dealer (MFSI) website.
There are no Financial Planning Partners at this time.