We are proud to report that currently several exciting things are occurring.
We have also added an M&A Marketing organization to our Broker Dealer Firm, a host of very experienced and capable Investment Bankers. The purpose of this reorganized M&A Department is to market and promote our Private Placement Capabilities and to assist in the execution and placement of said private placement securities.
We are also in the midst of recruiting additional firms and branches with the express purpose of offering exclusive marketing capabilities for particular territories within the States that we conduct business.
We have added an additional supervisory department to insure compliance within our Compliance Department and Executive Staff. The new position is referred to as: Chief Risk Officer and will set the programs and guidelines to be used by the other regulatory and compliance personnel within the Firm. We have also added two additional departments that are associated with the Firm’s Compliance Department. These are:
The Executive Compliance Committee, and the Special Assessment Risk Committee.
The purpose of these additional committees is to review and to approve special supervisory control procedures and programs designed to supervise the supervisors and to review no less than annually and to constantly implement additional safeguards and protections for you, the investing public.
We are currently in the process of registering our firm with additional states which will be announced once our registration is approved.
“A Word of Caution regarding Other Locations” If you are not a resident of any of the states mentioned herein, please do not enter this site unless authorized to do so.
If you are in another state and would like us to do business with you, kindly e-mail or call our marketing department and they will assist you.