This website is for general information only and does not infer or guarantee any investment returns or yields.
You will find a list of the products we are authorized to provide as well as a listing of our affiliated companies and other resources which are affiliated with our marketing program, for the sole purpose of assisting us in providing a complete menu of financial products and services.
INVESTORS are cautioned to consider the investment objectives, risks, charges and expenses of the mutual funds, variable annuities, and variable annuity subaccounts carefully. Please take the time to read the Prospectus carefully as it will explain all of these details about the investments offered. You may contact the issuer directly for a prospectus of a fund or variable insurance contract that you are considering or you may contact us directly and we will provide one for you.
We also encourage you to visit our Help & Support section. There you will find our “Privacy Policy”, our Business Continuity Arrangements, our Customer Service Procedures, Anti-Money Laundering Protection Procedures and more, all with the single purpose of safeguarding your investments as much as reasonably possible, given our limited resources.
We are a member of the Financial Regulatory Authority (FINRA) and a member of the Securities Investment Protection Corporation (SIPC). Our Registered Representatives are held accountable and responsible for their knowledge of and compliance with our Sales Procedures as described in our Sales Procedures Manual.
We profess a higher level of professional conduct and ethics. We endeavor to do everything possible to deserve your trust and confidence as your Broker Dealer and strive to constantly improve our existing service so as to continue to earn your business in the future.